Tuesday, November 13, 2007

how to have fun in virginia

i decided to go on an adventure with friends and hike up Old Rag one last warm weekend in october. "a 5 hour hike with "rock scrambles" and "panoramic views"."
i should known better that when people use phrases like those to describe something, then more than likely they have never experienced it themselves.
it was actually a lot of fun, but i did truly think i was going to die the next day. i hurt so much... down to my very finger tips that i had used just the day before to grip for dear life and scale boulders during part of the famous "rock scramble" (i may be exagerating that last part but there really were some parts that i was more than little concerened about, i felt like people like me probably shouldn't be allowed up without a safety harness)

me, victorious at the end of the "scramble"

i don't really feel like the picture needs any explanation.


Joanna said...

LOL!!!! Thats awesome.... happy furniture making.... Nothing better!?LOL

Lisa said...

thats hilarious, i swear i saw that on the late show too.