Saturday, February 17, 2007

My aching feet

so it turns out that your feet can swell to approximately 3x's their normal size when you are either A)Pregnant or 2)working a 12 hour shift that somehow becomes a 14 hour shift. in either case it's really not pretty. i would take a picture to show you all, but i haven't shaved my legs in quite some time and i don't think the world is ready to see that, besides i might get kicked off blogger for posting objectionable content.
well i want everyone to be proud of me, i made it to mass today! it was such a feeling of accomplishment. it's very hard when you work a weekend shift to get off of the floor for an entire half an hour together becuase that means someone else has to watch all of your patients plus their own, that could mean one person taking care of 8-10 patients depending on how busy we are. so i worked super hard and got all my kids ready so that for 30 minutes straight no one had any needs and i could get off the floor. we have an african priest at the hospital who says mass and i love him, he takes the time to actually give a homily and he asks questions and expects responses, he challenges people to make changes in thier lives, makes it clear that there is a standard they are held to, without sounding judgemental. and he gets genuinely excited to see people in mass and makes everyone so welcome.
i must go to bed now, i feel a little naseaus (to tell you the truth it's because one of my families brought in a huge bag of chocolates right at the end of shift and i ate so many that i'm now sick and having flash backs to Easter 1988 when i ate my entire chocolate bunny in one sitting even though i wasn't supposed to and then proceeded to throw it all up.) but i need to feel better tomorrow because i have to go back and do this all over again.

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