Tuesday, February 27, 2007

what's new with you?

here i am in pittsburgh visiting my sister. nothing new or exciting happening, just wanted to let you know where i am and what i'm doing. yup, just here watching elmo for perhaps the 1000th time. my favorite episode is when elmo is in "lord of the dance"...but that's probably my own personal biases coming through.

the other day we went to the children's museum and my sister forced johnny to strip down to just a diaper and t-shirt under is raincoat to go play in the water room. i completely agreed with her because the last thing i wanted to do was carry a soaking wet child through the museum and across the parking lot after it was all done. but it just made me remember my own personal childhood humiliations, some of which refuse to be forgotten. (i am speaking of a certain incriminating photo that a specific member of my family had blown up and framed as art in her home). guess things never really change.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

ya know I was wondering why he didn't have any pants on. Kelly did mentioned it was pretty darn cold. I am glad you explained this.