Tuesday, February 13, 2007

When it's time, it's time

So when I came home yesterday after a weekend trip to visit a friend in NYC, I looked around my small one bedroom apartment and thought to myself "i think it's about time to take down the Christmas decorations"

This past weekend was great, i had three whole days off in a row. that hasn't happened in some time so i took full advantage of it and got the heck out of town. Coming back was so hard though, and going back to work today was even worse. The worst part of the day was when the charge nurse came up to me and let me know that the weather was really bad outside and that the hospital was opening up an old unit so that employees could spend the night at the hospital. I didn't care how bad the weather was, there was no way i was going to sleep at the hospital. In the end, I finally made it home. It only took me an hour longer than it normally does but i'm here. Now i'm going to get some sleep because i have to go back and do this all over again tomorrow.

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